Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hair of the Dog

When you have a Husky
There's no way round
The volume of hair
That will surround
Flow constantly
My floor becomes
A hairy sea
Hair in my clothes
Hair in my soup
I've no doubt
That hair's
In our poop
Yet at
Day's end
Who always greets
My smiling, wagging
Hairy Husky

This is offered up for Anthony's prompt to write about hair, at Dverse Poets is our second Husky (mix--rescue) and we swore we wouldn't get another (Ha!) He definitely picked us, and it has been true love ever since.  Though the hair does get a bit overwhelming at times... ;-)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Breaking Dawn

Why does dawn
Always bring a break?
Night's ebony shell cracks
Releasing rays of light
A delicious dream
Breaking the fast
Be slow to
Say goodbye
Hear the heartstrings
Stretch with
The thump of a trunk
There's no looking back
While the car
Waddles over
Gravel and is
Gone in
The blink, blink, blink
Of a tailight

This is offered for Alan's prompt at Poetry Jam poetryjaam.blogspot. com, to pick a word for this New Year and write about it.  For some reason "dawn" has been in my mind and the poems that I've been writing, lately.  Perhaps a subconscious push at new beginnings, or maybe just rosy skies. The last lines have been hanging around in head ever since I saw an early morning farewell, on one of my many dog walks, it was nice to finally find them a home :-) Happy New Year everyone!!