Friday, May 24, 2013

Soul Full

Ruby red slippers
Will get you home
Shiny glass slippers
Get you a throne
But lately I find
A closed toe shoe
Puts me into a bind
My feet demand
The open air
Perhaps soft grass and sand
Untie those laces
Forget the traces
Of propriety
Loosen your clothes
Wriggle your toes
And be barefootin' free

For Peggy's foot-stompin' prompt to write about shoes at Poetry Jam, at first there was no spark or idea, probably because I'm happiest in bare feet, or if I must, sandals. Then Dorothy and Cinderella came to the rescue :-) Have a Great Weekend!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stardust Memories

If the night is crystal clear
Lie back
And try to hear
The empty thoughts
Between the matter
Exploded and exposed
Flung like a spangled net
Sparkling in the sky
Mirror the twinkling
In your eyes
And remember
That you are
A star

Hello! I have been missing all of you and your poetry.  Life is finally settling back to normal, or this new variation of it.  Written for Poetry Jam where Mary invited us to write about crystals-and posted one of my very favorite songs :-) and for Poetry Pantry poetry originally inspired by Kim's Wednesday prompt about our place in the universe, but couldn't get there before link closed.  Star thoughts courtesy of Neil Degrasse Tyson, and my son who made me listen to Neil's talk about why we are all linked to stars.  A lovely thought.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Be Free

Fumbling with attachments
Bumbling blood relations
Makes you dread kin
When they inspire
Such ire
A blood feud?
Let it R.I.P.
In spite of the sting
From pulling
Do it quickly
Sometimes that's
How it has
To be

Not biographical, just my evil twin muse tiring of a month of daily visits to the hospital and rehab.  Fortunately we are finally seeing some light. Offered up for Trifecta challenge of writing about blood as in "kin" at and for Laurie's bee-utiful prompt at Poetry Jam

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wayward Sun

Beautiful beamer
Send a streamer
Help us to piece
To seize
These days
Rays us
Beyond these clouds
Of  hopelessness
This mess
Melt the fight
Show us the light
The way
To a brighter day

A very timely prompt for me, and society, from Poetry Jam, "Carry On"  (whoops, just found out that was last week! However, this week is "Soak" and this is a sun soaked poem, so I'm sharing it with the wonder-ful poets at mind automatically went to the song by Kansas--"Carry On My Wayward Son". Hence the title :-)  Enjoy, hope that it lightens your heart a bit <3