On a back road singing
Windows down
Breeze blowing
Broken by siren
Flashing lights, tears
Late to work
Almost fired
Woke and couldn't
Open mouth
Teeth impacted, pulled
Came home and fell
Into a dark hole
With no ladder
All boxes for
Perfect, happy life checked
Not happy
Nearly hospitalized
With bronchitis
Two car accidents
One botched burglary
She saw the light
Through the cracks
Shoved Perfect to the curb
Disappointed her parents
Quit her job
Started law school
Met her soul mate
And realized she'd rather go naked than
Wear the coat the world made for her*
This is written for the prompt from Mary at Poetry Jam poetryjaam.blogspot.com with quotes from the book Two or Three things I Know for Sure by Dorothy Allison-- Dorothy's quotes spoke to me so strongly that I used one of them for the last two lines of my poem. The other quote that spoke to me (and made me laugh) is "that change, when it comes cracks everything open." Yes, it does...and sometimes you have to have cracks to see the light.. That was quite a year :-) So here's to cracks and wearing what makes us happy ;-)