Thursday, April 19, 2012

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Prompt--Write a Sci Fi Poem

Sung with tongue firmly in cheek to the Beatles "All Together Now"

Obi Wan, Two
Three Four
Starting Fed-
eration War

Five, Six,
Seven, Eight
Nine, Ten
I love Luke

A, B, C, D
Eewok ran
Into a tree

Bom, bom, bom, bompa bom
Blow up the ship, bompa bom
Get Leila Free, bompa bom
Grab the droids, bompa bom
Let us flee!

All together now
Vadar took a vow
On the dark side now
Yoda don't know how
To recover now

All together now
Princess Leia flew
On the Falcon too
With her brother Luke
But neither one knew

Five six seven
May the force
Be with You!

1 comment:

Your words are wonderful! Thanks for popping in--I'll be over in a snap!