Sleepy atoms cuddled together
Linked like train cars
Sun shine lights, excites
Sending atoms stretch-
Fling winged things
Black shapes coracoid
Clouds scatter avoid
Beakish Pierc-
Sun pushes on horizon
Lifts belly--golden
And raises rays
Dew grasps grass
Tries to last
Instead becomes gas
'Ol Sol laughs
While atoms climb together
Aboard the Skyliner
This is in response to Mary's prompt at Poetry Jam, to write about trains. And, Creative Bloomings where Sara McNulty challenged us to write a poem with personification. Coracoid is crow/beak shaped and the Skyliner is a train in Japan that goes between Tokoyo and the airport (seemed fitting...) Inspired, as many poems are, by my morning walks with the dogs--walking by a stand of conifers it really looked like the trees had just flung the birds into the air...