Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Les is More

A childhood lived in the
Bright, high intensity
Of De-Light
Earth was to be
Explored, experienced
Climb the cliffs, sniff the air
A mountain lake of snow melt
No tip of toe--whole body leap!
Swerving off roads to
Grab binocs
Reach for Petersen's tattered bird guide
Back-seat impaired we strained
To see
The magic he saw
Every plant, insect, animal
Bird, fish, canyon, cloud
Had a name, a story
And was gilded in awe
Our vision forever altered
Life was a sea of wonder
Don't hesitate
Jump in with
Both feet and
Eyes wide open

Offered to dVerse poets open link night http://dversepoets.com/  Happy Anniversary!

This poem is dedicated to my inspiring dad, who's name happens to be "Les"


  1. Ahhh -- sweet, Sara! You were lucky to have such a dad! (Happy birthday, Les!) :-)

  2. Isn't that such a wonderful thing, when you have someone in your life, obviously in this case, your dad, who showed you what life really means, even if as kids, you didn't fully understand how much it meant to you back then but, just his sharing of those wonders of this world was opening your eyes and hearts, to its many mysteries, magic and beauty. What a lovely read and, thanks for the comment on my rooster post. I bet having read this, I do bet you have some very comical tales to tell too :)

    1. What an absolutely beautiful and perceptive compliment! That is exactly how it is. We grew up thinking that everyone knew what we did. And it does open your heart because there's so much around us that is beautiful and wondrous. Loved your rooster story... we'll have to swap tales some day :-)

  3. eyes wide open is the only way to go...how cool ont eh bird watching field guide and stuff too...it teaches you to look for the small details in life...

    1. Brian nice to see you. You must have had someone like this in your life because your poems always touch and capture those little details :-)

  4. What an inspiration he is and a great attitude to follow...to leap and embrace life for all that it can give ~

    Lovely share ~

    1. Grace, thank you very much for your kind words :-)

  5. We can learn so much from children... Thanks for taking us on an adventure!

    1. Laurie you are so right! Thank you for stopping by. Always nice to see you :-)

  6. Lovely tribute your dad. I had an incredible dad too. ;)

    1. I'm so glad. That is a wonderful gift. Thank you for stopping in:-)

  7. What a gift he gave you! And how skillfully and enthusiastically you have transferred that adventurous spirit to us in this well crafted poem. Enjoyed it very much!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely compliment and for stopping in. It is a gift indeed:-)

  8. nice..life is a sea of wonder for sure...love the scene here..bit of magic in these lines..

    1. Thank you Claudia! That's what I was trying to say :-)

  9. Jump on in indeed, can relate to that. Sounds like you have a great dad, wonderful tribute.

    1. Thank you Pat! Very nice of you to stop in, he is a brilliant guy. Really enjoyed your rhymes, look forward to reading more.

  10. loved this, childhood and wonder, bright, high intensity and a magical father. Nice!

    1. Thank you very much for stopping in, and for your encouraging words!

  11. This poem is so lovely. It made me happy to read it, with its images of discovery and wonder and a wonderful Dad.

    Thanks so much for reading my interview at Poets United. It is so nice to meet you.

    1. Myrna! So nice to meet you too. Thank you very much for stopping in to visit and for your lovely words. I look forward to reading more of your poems. :-)

  12. Love the whole-hearted joy of life in this poem. Sniffing the air, the sea of wonder. What a vibrant picture of your dad.

  13. Thank you Andrew! I sense a similar joy in you and your poetry, it's delightful.

  14. Sara, so glad your dad made memories with you and for you, setting an example of how to savor the small things in life. May it be passed down for generations to come. A lovely, lyrical celebration, this. Peace, Amy


Your words are wonderful! Thanks for popping in--I'll be over in a snap!